Camp ADventure

Client: International Centre For Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC)

Art Director - Brian Chau (me)

Copy Writer - Kevin Pellicone

Strategy - Khalid Bashri, Isabella Baldoni, Jefferson Beard

Graphic Designer - Logan Cooper

Received Best Strategy, Best Creative Executions by judges vote, and First Place overall for RFP C by ICMEC

Organized by the students of the VCU Robertson School, Camp ADventure is a free eight-week virtual summer camp that offers students and recent graduates hands-on experience in the field of advertising during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Client: International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children

RFP C: Create buzz and awareness for May 25, International Missing Children’s day. Leveraging the ICMEC’s current partnership with over 200 FΓΊtbol Teams across the world, we were tasked with creating a buzz worthy campaign to raise awareness for the cause

Case Study Video

Here is the 5 minute Case Study Video that tells you all about what we did to revamp ICMEC’s #FootballCares Campaign for 2021, including our strategy, insight, and creative executions. The button allows you to download our full presentation in pdf form as well.


 What did I do? Me specifically?

Designed my bunks new logo as well as came up with the new name Juicebox. Our original bunk was bunk 26 so I incorporated that into the logo as the straw for the juicebox

Designed my bunks new logo as well as came up with the new name Juicebox. Our original bunk was bunk 26 so I incorporated that into the logo as the straw for the juicebox

I designed and mocked up all the twitter posts as well as the revamped images that ICMEC would post on twitter as a part of their #FootballCares campaign for 2021.

I designed and mocked up all the twitter posts as well as the revamped images that ICMEC would post on twitter as a part of their #FootballCares campaign for 2021.

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I mocked up the newly integrated map that ICMEC would integrate into their site that ties the #FootballCares campaign better into their brand identity.

I mocked up the newly integrated map that ICMEC would integrate into their site that ties the #FootballCares campaign better into their brand identity.

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Mocked up three print ad examples that ICMEC would run as well as put them in real life locations for them to see how it would look on billboards/OOH.

Mocked up three print ad examples that ICMEC would run as well as put them in real life locations for them to see how it would look on billboards/OOH.

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Mocked up the ICMEC statement loading screen and new ICMEC jerseys for FIFA players to see and use.

Mocked up the ICMEC statement loading screen and new ICMEC jerseys for FIFA players to see and use.

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